Update Letter… We’re STILL in Bolivia
- JasonLife is unexpected! That is basically the theme of our life right now. We’re still in Bolivia. It’s a long story, but basically God is moving everything and forcing us to do things His way… Not ours. 🙂 We won’t be leaving Bolivia until mid-July. The couple that will take over our Santa Cruz church … Continued
Back in Bolivia – Update!
- Jason“Jason, be careful, slow down!” Norah yelled as she was filming an overturned tractor trailer that was one of the 12 vehicles we saw off the road in the snow while traveling south from Minneapolis to Fayetteville, Arkansas. We were trying to imagine what it would be like to live in a place that … Continued
We’re Going Home!
- JasonHello! Greetings from beautiful, finally cooler (after the hot summer) Santa Cruz, Bolivia! As we head into fall here in the southern hemisphere, we know that you are heading into spring! What a wonderful time of year spring is, with the vegetation and the birds returning… I haven’t been home in the spring since I came … Continued
What’s Really Important?
- Jason[adsense-left]I think that too often, we as followers of Jesus get off track in regards to what’s really important. I remember my first years here, while I was studying in the seminary in Sucre, I would often get into heated discussions with others about religion. I was studying apologetics, which is basically understanding and defending … Continued
God’s Glasses
- JasonThroughout most of our lives, we have heard these words… “God loves you.” But how many of us truly understand or believe that? We know it in our head, but our heart tells us something so different. We talk about God’s grace, and how he paid the price for our sins… but what happens AFTER … Continued
- JasonOn August 16 of this year, I (Jason) amazingly completed 14 years in Bolivia! I remember that first old pickup ride from the airport to the seminary in Sucre and knowing that my life would never again be the same. We were arriving with a short term missions team from the local western Maryland / … Continued
One Week Away From Second Event!
- JasonGood Morning Everyone! I’m sorry, but we are terrible!!! Look at that, the subject of this e-mail/post is “One Week Away From Second Event” and we haven’t sent you anything about the first one yet! Wow. Sorry about that. Let us tell you about what’s going on… it’s been exciting! BUSY, BUSY & BUSIER! Last … Continued
Cosmetic Overhaul
- JasonGood Morning everyone! I just got done cosmetically overhauling the website. I’m still working on getting all of the blog a page picture links updated. Other than that, please let me know if you have problems with anything. Thanks!

MusicFest “Unqualified Success”!
- JasonGood morning everyone! We just wanted to say how appreciative we are of Jay & Jody Freeland,and all of those who got the idea, planned, prayed, gave, and worked so hard to make the MusicFest on Saturday at Alpine Lake an “unqualified success” in spite of snow and bad weather! We also received an amazing $2850 … Continued