The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Videos of Latest Encounter Retreats


Hi Everyone, I promised in my last post that I would try to publish some videos here… So here they are. 2 BIG problems. They are HUGE, and they are in Spanish. Basically, if you have dial-up, forget about it… :-( For the rest of you, enjoy! Everything is in Spanish, but they have good videos and pictures… etc. UPDATE… BY THE WAY, THESE VIDEOS ARE COMPRESSED SIGNIFICANTLY FROM THEIR ORIGINAL FORM, BUT THEY CONTINUE TO BE VERY LARGE!

We showed these videos to the church after each of the encounters, as an evangelistic tool. I will get more pictures up here SOMETIME soon!

Love, Jason

Men’s Encounter… March 1 and 2

Men’s Encounter

Women’s Encounter… February 23 and 24

Womens Encounter

2008/03/13 05:40 · 0 Comments

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