The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Over $12,000… God’s Moving Now!!!


Hi Everyone,

I wanted to continue to update you on how things are going with the fundraising. I’ve wrestled with my faith and feelings a lot, but I’ve come to a conclusion. We are doing this because God called us to do it AND we ASKED him for all of these things that we TRULY need to take off with the church. SOOOOOO…. I’m laying all of my faith in HIM and we WILL reach this goal of $36,000. I won’t accept coming up short! I’m resting on his promises!!!

You can see that we’re over $12,000 now! I’m keeping the website updated daily. We thank all that give and pray so much! At the same time, I send this letter out to over 350 people, so many have not responded either (Only 20). Would you?

(For more details on what we need click here and read our Santa Cruz Church Plant Proposal)

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