The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Off To Argentina, Have Time To Write From Airport


Good Morning Everyone,

So much has been going on here in Bolivia, I really can’t seem to find the time to sit down and write it all out! Right now we’re in the airport in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, waiting for our connecting flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina. We’re heading to Buenos Aires with Norah to attend a Leadership Conference there, with Gustavo and Susana Rossi, their pastors and several others. There is a group of about 12 leaders from our church who are traveling now, most of them by land. Norah and I decided to fly, because that trip by land is a minimum of 48 hours, sometimes longer.

Since our last letter, so many things have been going on here. The church is just booming. Really, since the beginning of this year quite a few things have come together to get things back in order in the church, and now we are beginning to see the fruits. In February we had a large leadership retreat. In that retreat, God literally challenged us to stop talking about and to get back to doing the work that he has called us to do. In March, we did a huge reorganization in the leadership in the church. We moved up quite a few of the most fruitful leaders so that they would form part of our main leadership group. In April we had our annual cell church conference, which was great for all of us. In June we began what we called the “Prodigal Month”, where we went out and found so many of those who had been with us before, but had later fallen away. That continued up through the most part of July. We had many people return to the Lord, and at the same time we hay many more come to the Lord during all of those activities.

This past month, we have freed our group of leaders to start doing their own Encounter Retreats. Since, things have been so active in the church that it’s hard to keep up, trying to figure out all that is going on! Over the past 4 weeks, we have had 9 Encounter Retreats! It’s been quite exciting.

Our family is doing very well. Derrick is now crawling all over the place, he runs around in a walker well, and can even walk some on his own holding on to things. He seems to be developing very well. Jordan’s speech continues to improve. He speaks better Spanish than English right now, but we’re working on teaching him both. He understands both just fine.

Norah and I are traveling alone now. Norah’s sister, Rosemary, along with a girl who we trust from the church in Sucre are taking care of the kids. It’s hard leaving the kids… especially Derrick, but I think that it’s good for all of us. It’s good for me and Norah, just so we can get a few days to be away from them, and have some quality time together. I also think that it’s good for the kids. They (at least Erynn & Jordan) seem to adapt to change quite well. It helps them not be so attached to us all of the time.

Please keep us in your prayers. We appreciate your prayers so much. We also thank all of those who have been so faithful to God and good to us in sending gifts to help us continue forward. We’re doing much better now, although we still regularly have more expenditures than monthly income. We just ask that you would pray for us, and if God puts it on your heart, please support us financially in any way that you can.

May God bless you richly. We thank God for your lives, and pray for you always. Write us if you can!


Jason, Norah, Erynn, Jordan & Derrick Skipper

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