The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

March Update


Well it’s been two months now, and slowly but surely we’re figuring out what Middle Tennessee life is all about. It’s amazing… but spring seems to be here already! It made it up to 81 degrees the other day. The trees are budding and flowers are out. I just got done mowing our lawn for the first time! With all this nice weather comes the ugly storms. So far we’ve had four tornado warnings here in Rutherford county. That’s quite scary.

We’re beginning to meet more and more people. The hispanics seem very open to talking and meeting. Of course they seem to be everywhere. Businesses, parks, etc. Last week we went out to eat with a couple. The husband is American and the wife is from Costa Rica. Norah was so happy about that. She’s been lonely for friends here.

We’ve been trying to be intentional in meeting people. The other day I went fishing and ran into a guy from El Salvador at the river. We began talking, and he started telling me the entire story of his life! He has lived here in Nashville for 29 years. He’s lost his job last week to two illegal immigrants. His boss told him that he could hire two illegals for the wages that he was paying him. He was excited to hear that we were going to start a church for hispanics. He said that there are tons of them here, and that very few, if any attend church. He asked me to call him as soon as we get started. Hopefully we can develop many more relationships over the next several months!

Keep us in your prayers as we continue forward. We hope to begin a small group or two very soon. We’re still looking for the right “area” to actually focus on. Just pray that God would lead us in the right directions and that He would open up all of the right doors for us!

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