The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

March Update, Cell Conference Coming Up


Hello once again from Sucre!

We pray that this letter finds you in great peace and health, and that God is blessing your life and family in a remarkable way. As always, here in Sucre, we are well. God has truly been blessing our lives, family and ministry tremendously. If there is one thing that I can recommend to everyone, it is this; always live in God’s will. When you do, even in the toughest of times, you will understand the “Abundant Life” that Jesus talks about in John 10:10…

Getting into specifics, let me tell you about all that is happening here. As we mentioned in our last letter, towards the end of January, we had a large activity where we invited all politicians and important Organizations that live here in Sucre to a time of prayer, praise and worship in the main Park here. Before that, we were able to visit four TV stations, and about 12 radio stations. We talked about the event, and about how important it is for us in Bolivia to look to God in these tough political times, and in the writing of the new constitution that is happening here. We held a press conference in the morning of the event, and all of the main news stations in Sucre covered the event. There were around 1500 people there, and quite a few of those who are writing the new constitution were there. Also the Governor of Chuquisaca (The Department where Sucre resides), and several leaders of large organizations attended the event. We had a great time of worship, and then we prayed for the country and the leaders of our country and for those in attendance that evening. We truly feel that God did something important that evening. Also, since then we’ve had the opportunity to visit several radio stations for interviews, and one secular station in particular has begun doing a small program with us every Friday morning. So lately we (our church) have had quite a bit of free press coverage, which is always nice.

We’ve had several Encounter retreats since the beginning of the year, and are planning two more coming in April. We have put the goal of taking 2 new people for every cell group in the church to these encounters, which if we can reach that, would be a total of 378 new believers in the retreats! God is moving greatly. This past weekend we had a Re-Encounter, a retreat that is designed to move believers to the next level, cell group leadership. We had 31 assistants in that. We are also preparing for the “2nd International Cell Church Conference” in our church. Pastors Gustavo and Susana Rossi, from Buenos Aires, Argentina will be coming again from April 20th to the 22nd. We are inviting pastors from around the country, and hope to have at least 100 people from outside of Sucre come to the Conference, apart from all of those who will participate from our church and others in Sucre.

Our family is fine. Pretty well nothing new here in that sense. We’ve been healthy and happy. We are preparing to travel to the states this summer, probably in the middle of June. We won’t be there as long as usual, but we probably will be there around 5 to 6 weeks. We will be in contact with you when we know for sure, and will try to fill up all of our time to be able to visit you and your church while we are there. We’re looking forward to seeing you and sharing all that God has been doing here in our lives and ministry.

We ask that you will keep us in your prayers always. Although everything is going well here, Bolivia is living a difficult time right now. With the political turmoil, the hostility towards foreigners (especially Americans), natural disasters caused by El Niño, etc., we need God’s protection more than ever. May God bless you and if you can, keep in touch! Write us. We love to hear from you. We’ll be writing and seeing you soon.


Jason, Norah, Erynn & Jordan

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