The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Life is Fun………..ny


Hi Everyone. I’ll tell you, this has been a very interesting time in our lives. We have gone through so much over the past year, that every once in awhile, one wishes everything would just calm down for a time. But, I guess that is what makes life fun. How boring would our lives be if everything was easy and calm? All as I can say is that this has been a crazy year… but that’s ok.

Update on Norah…

Norah’s feeling quite a bit better. Her blood pressure has come up some, although not enough for her doctor to be happy. He came by the house this morning, and her pressure was 89/66, so that is MUCH better than the 78/46 that she has the other morning. He wants to continue to try to bring up her pressure enough to be able to clean out her uterus. He does not want to put her under the effects of anesthesia if her pressure is that low. So he said that he’ll return tomorrow to see how she’s coming along.

Update in Bolivia…

The president’s party MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) yesterday worked all day to approve all of the articles of the new constitution. They did this almost completely without any other political party present. They met in the city of Oruro, without announcing the meetings, and they did it with a fence of MAS’s party supporters outside of the building they met in, to not allow members of other parties to enter. Quite crazy.

A good part of Bolivia is saying now that they will not recognize this new constitution, so I don’t know what’s going to happen. The Governor of the Department where Sucre resides, “Chuquisaca”, is in hiding somewhere in or out of Bolivia. Some say he was in Santa Cruz… today I heard that he was in the United States. Anyway, the people turned on him in all of the chaos that happened here a few weeks ago, and are trying to force him to resign. This is tough for us, because he is a Christian/Pastor. The people say that he didn’t defend the interests of this department enough, but he says that he was trying to save lives. His home was burnt, and all of his possessions were stolen. We’re not sure what will happen now with that.

Still, things continue forward in the church. Cell groups continue to move forward, and we’ve had several good services since all of this began, although attendance has been down some since we are in the summer/vacation months of the year.

I’ll continue to keep you up to date. Please write us if you can. Blessings,


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