The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Eighty One…


It’s Spring! Trees and plants are turning green, days are getting longer and life seems better. Spring is a great time of the year. The only problem, especially here in the South, is that it only lasts about 2 weeks. We go from freezing to 95º in just a few days it seems! We already hit the high 80’s a few times last week!

Eighty One

We hope that you had a wonderful Easter. We did! As you may know, as we prepare for our church plant next year, we have been helping in all that we can with another church from ARC based here in Nashville (Church of the Hills). Their Pastor, JD Ost, is our Church Planting Coach. They planted their church just over two years ago.

Easter was a special day for us at Church of the Hills. GOD MOVED BIG TIME! 81 people made the decision to follow Christ there on Sunday morning! Both services were packed. THAT is why we do what we do!

Forging Ahead

We continue to move forward. I’ve been working hard on preparing everything for the fundraising part of our church plant. The task is massive, but that’s why I’ve handed it over to God… because we can’t do it! We have a lot of work to do, but the results are His responsibility (that is comforting)!

Both Norah and Erynn are now working! Erynn has a part time job after school at “Sonic”, and Norah starts her job on Saturday at a wonderful grocery store chain called “Publix”. She’s nervous and excited! She’ll be working in the Deli.

Your Part…

We appreciate your love and prayers. We need them. Please continue to remember us daily. Pray for God’s supernatural wisdom and provision. Pray that He would open all of the right doors as well as give us grace as we build our team and fundraise.

And to finish up, we know with all of the amazing tax refunds that everyone is getting back (we pray that is you!), you are looking where to invest your money. Our recommendation: Invest it in the Kingdom! 😉 You can do so easily at our website! Just follow the link below, and you’ll be ready to roll.

Thank you SO MUCH for all that you do, and may God bless you and your family richly. We love you,

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