The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Conference Starts Tomorrow


Hi everyone,

I decided to take a quick time out here to let you know what’s going on. After our last letter to you, we got an amazing response from SO MANY PEOPLE. Please know how grateful we are to each and every one of you, and may God Bless your lives greatly. As soon as I finally get a breather (Next Week), I’m going to write each one personally who wrote us, and gave…

Well, after that response, we saw that God’s will was clearly to “Enlarge the place of thy tent” (Isaiah 54:2-3). Since then we’ve been working hard on getting ready for this conference that starts tomorrow (Friday). We have people calling from all around Bolivia. We have confirmed groups coming from Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Potosí, Bermejo, and we should have groups from pretty well every major city in Bolivia. We are expecting to have more than 600 people signed up for the conference, and we’ll probably be over 1000 in the evenings when we have open services for everyone. The logistics and the details are incredibly hard to take care of, and to remember everything, but things seem to be moving along well.

The Pastors from Argentina will be arriving this afternoon at 4:30, and they’ll be with our church this evening in our monthly leadership service.

After everything is done, I’ll write and will post some pictures up on the website. Please pray that all goes well, and thank again for all you have done for us. God’s kingdom is growing because of it!!! Thank God. We love you all!

A hug for all of you,

Jason, Norah, Erynn and Jordan

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