The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Been Buried in Work


Hi Everyone. First of all I’d like to say Happy New Year. We hope that this new year will bring you great blessing and abundant life from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Since we’ve returned from Buenos Aires, we’ve just been up to our necks in work. There are several reasons for that. One, we are trying to change several things within the church. We need a lot more organization, plus we’re trying to move some things around so that people can more easily climb the ladder of success; Win, Consolidate, Disciple, Send. Looking over 2005, We’ve taken more than 200 people to the Encounter Retreat this past year. But one of our main problems has been keeping those people around. They go to the retreat, we work with them a lot, but sooner or later, if they don’t become involved in the process, they fall away. Our consolidation & discipleship processes haven’t been where they need to be.

I’m a firm believer in this truth, “The Christian, Church or Cell Group that doesn’t grow… Dies”. I feel that if someone doesn’t grow in Christ, he dies Spiritually. We should never stop growing in our Christian life. Keeping that in mind, it’s pretty understandable why when people don’t continue in the process, they kind of fall off. But the main problem isn’t that people don’t want to come, it’s that up until now, we haven’t been able to organize thing very well. So we’ve been working a lot in that.

We also have had several large evangelistic services. One on Christmas, and one on New Years Eve. The one on Christmas was a combined service with other churches, but on New Years Eve, we as a church, rented a coliseum. We were celebrating two things: our 3rd anniversary and of course New Years. It was a great service, although we didn’t have the attendance I had really hoped for. A lot of people during these weeks travel to other parts of the country. Sucre is pretty empty this time of year. In any case, 25 people received the Lord that evening, and hearing their testimonies these days has been wonderful.

With all of those large events, we’ve just had the regular services and cell meetings and leaders meetings, and other things. Anyone who thinks that Pastors work is easy, I can tell you that at least here, when someone puts their mind to reaching large goals, there’s hardly time to sleep. I admit that working in the normal way, having a few services a week, and hoping that the people come wouldn’t be to hard at all. But when you have the growth that we’ve had, and all of the different activities going on, and taking on 12 people as true disciples, almost like children to you, It’s certainly a full time job, if not more. (Whew… I know that sentence is a mess, but I’m not going to fix it. I’ll let English majors like my dad have fun with it! I speak Spanish down here anyway… :-) )

Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary with Norah. That’s just hard to believe. We weren’t able to go out last evening, but we’re going to try to this evening. Hopefully I can get someone to watch the kids.

I guess that’s all I’ll write for now. We’re waiting for a Pastor who is coming to visit us this morning. He wants to work with the cell church also, so he wants us to help him out a little. May God bless you all in this New Year. Write if you can…


Jason, Norah, Erynn & Jordan

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