The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Back in Santa Cruz – We Are 80% Of The Way To Our Goal!


Good Morning Everyone!

Here I am, 4 days after arriving in Santa Cruz, and I can’t believe that I haven’t melted yet! It has been HOT here. It finally dropped down to a decent 78 degrees last night (84 in our bedroom), but since I’ve arrived, it’s been up above 100 in the daytime and around 85 at night. I don’t mind, although I do have to get used to it again after spending six seeks back in Garrett County.

The trip was fine, everything went smoothly until I arrived here in Santa Cruz. None of my bags made it here. The plane that was originally supposed to bring us was being repaired, so they ended up sending a much smaller one to pick us up in Miami. When we got here we were told that the plane was overweight and that they left our bags in Miami. They would bring them on the next flight supposedly scheduled to arrive on Sunday morning. Here it is Tuesday morning, and I haven’t received my bags yet. Oh well, what can a person do? Just be patient I guess. That’s Bolivia for you. What matters is that I’m here and with my wonderful family! (They could care less about the bags… except maybe the gifts that haven’t come yet ;-))

So far, we are 80% of the way to our goal! We are currently at $29,078.22. I shared the progress with the team that we have in Santa Cruz on Saturday evening. They were astounded. One thing that touched my heart and theirs was the sacrifice that so many are making in giving towards this church. One of them stated that evening…

“These people have given so much for us and for this city of Santa Cruz, now it’s our turn to give everything that we have to see this city turn to God. The best gift that we can give back to all of those who have given is to win as many people for the Lord as quickly as possible. We now have no excuse, we must work!”

We still need to raise at least $7,000. As I mentioned before, $36,000 was the MINIMUM needed to truly be able to take off. The original budget was at $55,000! To get the budget to a reachable level, we took out all but the absolute necessary things. (Read our Church Plant Proposal for more info.) So PLEASE continue to pray, and if you haven’t yet, please give towards this! Be a part of what God wants to do in this city that HE LOVES so much!

We love you all! Have a great day! We’ll keep you updated on all that is happening here & with the fundraising.

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