The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

What’s The Difference Between Churches That Grow and Those That Don’t?


Hi everyone! I really wish I could keep up a little better than I do with this… but we have been SO busy. I’m not going to preach today about the title… but God gave me a little push yesterday, and I wanted to share that with you.

Today, we are beginning our 3rd Annual Cell Church Convention. As always, these events are time consuming, and MONEY consuming too. I have been pretty tired with all of the events going on, and yesterday about 1:00 I was kind of thinking… “I don’t like to do these events… it sure is a lot easier to just continue with the normal routine… this is too much work!” I finally had about 10 minutes to sit down and relax at about 2:15 yesterday, so I turned on a Cristian TV station. The pastor who was preaching said… “Do you know why small churches remain small? Because Expansion hurts… it’s difficult. Pastors who don’t grow, don’t grow because they like the commodity of being small…. they don’t like the pain of growth!” Well… Sorry God… Ok, I won’t complain any more! ;-)

Anyway… just a little news here to let you know what’s going on. We held our campaign of Healing and Miracles from April 3rd through the 6th. God did an amazing work there. At least 1 person was healed of cancer, many people were healed of broken bones and arthritis, Gastritis, Hepatitis A, and quite a few others. We wanted to wait awhile before I announced all of those things… because we wanted medical proof. Now we have it. God did an amazing work that weekend. We had close to 100 people receive the Lord during those 4 days.

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Two weeks ago we finished what was the 40 days of prayer and fasting in all of Sucre. We finished it with a huge march. Our church was in charge of advertising the event and getting the media (TV, Radios, etc.) involved. During the week of the 7th through the 13th, we visited something like 6 TV stations and more than 15 radio stations for interviews. On Sunday there was a huge march from the 4 points of the city, which all met in the Central Plaza, and there we had a service with several thousand people. Then every single one of those people kneeled in the plaza and we prayed together for Sucre and for Bolivia. It was amazing. Several TV stations covered the event.

As I said before… starting today we are starting our 3rd Annual International Cell Church Conference… Pastors Gustavo and Susana Rossi and Sebastian Carnival are coming in from Buenos Aires for the event. We have people who are coming from all around the country to participate… We’ve been preparing for this for months now… and also have spent A LOT of money. About $5,000 dollars so far. We hope to recuperate most of that with the inscriptions and offerings… That’s our PRAYER anyway! :-D Here’s the Poster that we sent out for the conference…



On Sunday, after the conference… we will be traveling to Cochabamba for the school event that Erynn has to attend annually. After that we will be going to La Paz to get Derrick’s US Birth Certificate and Passport. Please pray for us! We have a lot going on here. We need your prayers!

Just a reminder… We REALLY need finances… We have so many things going on here, and we want to EXPAND, as that pastor preached. If God puts it on your heart, please listen to him! I know with your seed God will bless you many times more. Thank you!

I hope that this post if at least half understandable… I’ve answered the phone 10 times and had 4 people come to the door since I started writing it, and I don’t have time to read over it again… so HOPEFULLY it’s a little understandable at least! May God bless you in all you do, and we hope to hear from you soon!


Jason, Norah, Erynn, Jordan & Derrick

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