The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Trip To Cochabamba


Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to write a quick note here letting everyone know that we’re headed off to Cochabamba today. Erynn’s school has it’s base in Cochabamba, and every year they go down there for one week. Tomorrow (Monday), she’ll be going to classes in the Kindergarten there, then on Tuesday the whole group from here in Sucre will be going camping for a night. On Thursday and Friday the kids have sports events where they compete. We’ll be heading back Friday afternoon most likely just in time for our next Encounter retreat. We think that we will have at least 70 new Christians in this one, although it could be much more. I’ll let you know how it went afterwards. We’re leaving our group of 12 in charge of the Retreat.

Well, I have to run and get ready, have a great week!


Jason, Norah, Erynn & Jordan

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