The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Santa Cruz Church Plant Proposal


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As I begin this proposal, I (Jason) have to look back and laugh about how God works in our lives. Studying Business Management in college, I was taught to plan ahead and to not live life by the seat of my pants. Making a one, five, ten year and even a life plan is important. I took that advice, and really thought that I had it all figured out. I had a date when I would start building my own house, and was to start my own business after college. I guess that God had other plans because in 1996 He took me to Bolivia for two weeks to help build a seminary. Eight months later I returned planning to stay for a year. Then I met Norah. Need I say more? We married in 1998 and have dedicated our lives to God’s work. It seems ironic that 14 years ago I was “the man with a plan” and now here I am writing this proposal to plant our fifth church in a place that I never imagined going in my life!…

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