The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Good Weekend & a Moving Week


Hi everyone,

I’ll tell you what. We have lots of frustrations here, but at the same time, it sure is nice to see the fruit of your work. This past weekend, we had our first Encounter Retreat of the year, and we had 50 people. These people are all new believers, so as you can imagine, we’re pretty happy about that.

We have this week basically set aside for moving. We’re moving from our apartment to a small house on Thursday. I feel pretty bad for the kids right now. We moved here to save money, but the kids are really shut in here. We have no outside space at all, and we can never let them even think about walking out the door. So we’re going to move to a place that, although it has no yard, it does have some outside space. Norah’s going over now to clean that house some. I’m going to be painting this apartment this morning, so that we can leave it like that gave it to us. Yesterday we were in the house where we do our retreats at. We moved everything from there back to Sucre. There are 34 beds there, so you can imagine, it was a lot of work. We won’t be using that place anymore because it just doesn’t have enough space for what we need to do. That place can have a maximum of 34 people (and that’s pushing it), and that includes leaders. The retreat that we did this weekend, we ended up having to do it in the church, because we had over 70 people with leaders there. The place just doesn’t meet our needs anymore. Today, one of the couples from our 12 in the church is moving, so I’ll have to help that couple move this afternoon. I really should be working on getting everything ready for the Cell-Church Conference, but obviously I’m not going to have the time to do that this week.

All in all, things are going pretty well here. I’m feeling better, although I woke up last night with a pretty bad headache. But after 3 ibuprofen, I’m better now. The kids are fine. Jordan’s crazy, Erynn’s funny, Norah’s patient, and I’m tired. Just about like always! Maybe after we move, I’ll have Norah write something to post here on the page. Love you all and would also love to hear from you. Let us know what’s going on! Have a great week.


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