The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Evangelistic Meeting, MCC’s 5th Anniversary & More


It’s hard to believe that Christmas is almost here already. As always, the year has blown by us and we’re ready to start another one. They always say that as you get older, the years seem to go by quicker… I guess they were right.

All has been much better here. Norah has been much better over the past week. She seems to have gotten most of her energy back, and has been much more active lately. Derrick is great, as long as he has milk and a clean diaper… he’s happy. ;-) Both Derrick and Jordan did get sick earlier this week. Jordan had a high fever and diarrhea, while Derrick had something, although he didn’t get the fever. That lasted about a day and a half, and then all was well again.

In the church, we are preparing for two major events that are coming up next Sunday and Monday. On Sunday, we are renting the largest coliseum here in the city, and will be meeting with 6 other churches who are also working with cell groups. The meeting has two purposes… 1) as a huge evangelistic event and 2) a time to celebrate all that God has given us over the past year. Each church has large goals for the meeting. Our church alone has the goal of taking 200 new people to this meeting. Mostly our church and the one other large cell church here in Sucre are the ones who are organizing and running it. After a time of worship there will be a few specials, and the I will be giving a small evangelistic message. Afterwards, every cell leader will pass down to the basketball court with the new people that they have who have given their lives to the Lord, and we will be praying for those people. Afterwards will have a time of singing and dancing with our worship team leading.

On Monday the 31st, New Year’s Eve, we will have an overnight service, celebrating the New Year and also our 5th anniversary as a church. So we have quite a lot to get prepared for, and lots going on. Sometime this week I want to write a small history of our ministry here in Sucre and how this church got started. Hopefully I’ll get the time! I’ll also be taking pictures of the events that we have next week, and will be posting them here, so keep checking back.

As always, we ask that you keep us in your prayers. We REALLY need them. God bless! Hasta Pronto…


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