The Hand of Hur, Inc.

Loving the World and Connecting it to God's Infinite Grace & Power

Crazy Month


Hello Everyone,

January has really been quite a crazy month for us. Actually things have been pretty hectic since our return from Buenos Aires in December. We’ve been so busy, and on top of that, I’ve been sick pretty well all month.

Usually December and January are very slow months. Sucre is a University City, and a lot of people travel during these two months. Up to 1/3 of the population leaves during these months. What we’ve usually tried to do is just try to get through these months with as many people as possible until everyone returns. But this year we have worked hard on winning many new people. Our church services has remained full, and things have really been going well in that aspect. Every Sunday we have had a minimum of 7 people recieved the Lord. Yesterday we also had another baptism. We baptized 16 people. It was a great time.

We also been very busy in preparing the church for the upcoming Cell Church Conference that we will have in our church from February 24th through the 26th. We have been painting, making a new platform, and fixing everything up, etc. We have made thousands of posters and leaflets and have been sending them out across the entire country. We are now sending out radio spots to the entire country also. The couple in Argentina who is monitoring us in our work with the cell church is coming for the Conference. This is the poster that we had made. You can click on it to see it bigger. Of course it’s in Spanish.

I had sinositis several years ago, and I got it again a few weeks ago. It’s not fun to have. I ended up having to take lots of antibiotics and lots and lots of pain killers to get through it. Right now I’m fine, but at the same time, I’ve had terrible problems with my eyes over the past week. They are so red and bloodshot. I’m not really sure what the problem is, but I haven’t been using my contacts lately, but that doesn’t seem help much. In any case, I’m sure I’ll be fine. I think that it’s some sort of virus, because Jordan woke up the other day with his left eye red and swollen also. So I’m not too worried about it.

We’re looking for a new place to live, and hope to move before February 9th, which is when our rent contract ends here in our apartment. We’d like something just a little bit bigger, basically something that has at least a small green area, so the kids can do something outside. Right now we’re pretty shut in.

Well, that’s all I can think of right now. Thanks for checking in to see the page every once in ahwile. By the way, if you know any spanish at all, you may be interested in going to our churches website, which is Love you all lots, have a great week!


Jason, Norah, Erynn & Jordan

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