Presidential Debate: And The Winner Is…
- JasonWow, what a crazy time to be living. As always, every four years things get crazy in our country as we navigate through the election process, but this one is a doozy! The mud slinging and the absolute hatred between the candidates and their supporters is nuts. I distinctly remember having been home on furlough from … Continued

We Have A Crazy Year Ahead Of Us!
- JasonHello everyone! I hope that life is treating you well. For us, things are REALLY starting to get interesting here. Preparations We continue to prepare for our move to the Nashville/Middle Tennessee area, and everything that goes along with the planting of our church there. Right now, we are in the process of figuring out a lot … Continued

Paradigm Shift
- JasonWow, what an amazing time Norah and I had in Birmingham at the ARC (Association of Related Churches) Training. Suddenly, what seemed SO DIFFICULT 2 weeks ago, suddenly seems easy! That may be an overstatement, it will take a lot of work, but we know that we can do it! We have two BIG announcements … Continued

Getting Excited! Going to Birmingham, AL
- JasonHi Guys, On Monday, Norah and I are headed to Birmingham, Alabama for a two-day training event with ARC. If all goes well, we hope to come back and prepare everything to move to Dalton*** (EDIT: This has CHANGED… We will be moving to NASHVILLE: See here for more info) ASAP! If you haven’t read … Continued

We’re Planting Another Church!
- JasonHey everyone… I know, I know, we are absolutely crazy, but it’s true! God has moved a TON of things in our lives over the past few months, and after a year of amazing ministry at Journey Church in Rome, GA… we are preparing to move to Dalton, GA*** (EDIT: THIS HAS CHANGED… We are … Continued

Merry Christmas From the Skippers!
- JasonHello! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May our God bless you richly this season, and may 2016 be filled with His love, peace and provision for you and your family. So much has transpired in our lives and ministry since our last full letter. Those who receive our monthly receipt letter or follow us online … Continued

42 Days Remaining – Sowing Seed
- JasonThis past week has been a tough one as we strive forward towards our goal of reaching 100 people for Christ by the end of the year. I (Jason) ended up traveling to Maryland after our service on Sunday morning for my grandmother’s funeral. It was a great time to see friends and family, and Grandma is in … Continued

Steps of Faith!!!
- JasonWow guys, along with BIG dreams comes LOTS and LOTS of WORK! That’s where we are at right now. We continue to do our weekly services (Sunday was our 2nd!). It is extremely exciting to finally be holding actual services in Spanish. It’s hard to explain, but we are SO MUCH more comfortable preaching and … Continued

Our First Service!
- JasonYesterday we launched our first Hispanic Service at Journey Church! We’ve been working hard at developing relationships, and the time has come where we need to start ministering regularly to all of those who we’ve been reaching. We had 16 adults there! Of course, I had hoped for 100 ;-), but we were extremely excited about … Continued

Meeting People!
- JasonWhile in this challenge (100-to-Run), we have been trying to find ways of meeting and reaching Hispanics all around our city. The most important part of it is this; BEING INTENTIONAL! It’s amazing how easy it is to make contacts with people when we pay attention to those around us and take advantage of the opportunities that we have … Continued